Healthy Schools Certification is based on a 4-Step Healthy Schools Process that supports school communities to take a planned and comprehensive approach to address health topics over the course of a school year.
Step 1: Assemble Your Team
Bring together members of your school community to form your team, and learn about the Healthy Schools Approach and process steps with your team. This team includes a Healthy Schools Lead and can also include a combination of students, other school staff members, principal/vice-principal, parents/caregivers, and/or community partners.
Step 2: Identify Your School Community Priorities, Assets, and Health Topic(s)
Work with your team to better understand the priorities and assets of your school to help decide which health topic(s) should be your focus for this school year.
Click on the health topics to learn more:
Step 3: Develop Your Plan and Take Action
Work with your team to develop a plan with activities to address your health topic(s). Your team will implement and monitor the activities and update your plan as the year progresses to document the Healthy Schools activities that took place.
Step 4: Celebrate and Reflect
Celebrate the contributions of each team member and reflect on your Healthy Schools journey, including what you’ve learned and what impact you’ve had on your school, both this year and in the future.
To learn more about the Healthy Schools Certification Program, please review the Healthy Schools Certification Guidebook 2024-2025.